Federal R&D Spending on climate change

An EDA using `R` of federal government data of the R&D budget towards Climate Change.

Using ESS for Data Science

RStudio is a formidable IDE to work with and offers an environment to seamlessly work with multiple languages beyond R. It is especially convenient for tasks involving frequent visualisation of data frames and plots, and for use with Shiny app development. However, the text (i.e code) editing capabalities are still significantly lacking compared to the likes of Emacs and Vim. Besides this, it does not offer a seamless interface integrating task, time management and multi-language programming environments to the extent available within Org-mode via Emacs.

Some notes on research-compendium

These are my notes while studying the research-compendium concept, which is essentially a bunch of guidelines to produce research that is ‘easily’ reproducible. The notes are mostly based on marwick-2018-packag-r , which is one canonical reading on the concept. Other references are mentioned throughout the text, and also collected separately. These notes were prepared a few weeks ago during a foray into Docker. They are neither complete not comprehensive - but will serve as a good refresher of the principle concepts.

R notes and snippets

Lubridate - introductory technical paper This paper (Grolemund and Wickham) offers a good introduction and comparison between using lubridate and not using it, as well as several examples of using the library. It also offers some case studies which can serve as useful drill exercises. Importing multiple excel sheets from multiple excel files This is one approach to importing multiple sheets from multiple excel files into a list of tibbles. The goal is that each sheet is imported as a separate tibble.